Betekenis van:
close out

to close out
    • make impossible, especially beforehand



    to close out
      • terminate by selling off or disposing of


      to close out
        • terminate




        1. Please will you close the door when you go out.
        2. The ambulance went out of control and came close to running over a pedestrian.
        3. Please be sure to close the windows before you go out.
        4. It's time to pay up all your debts and close out your loan.
        5. Then I slipped out the card (no water leaks out because no air can come in - the rim is too close to the table for that).
        6. I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center.
        7. When the four limbs are placed correctly and the vital energy of blood is tranquil, the thoughts will be unified, and mind will be concentrated: ears and eyes will not be flooded, and what is distant will be like what is close, - the knowledge will be born out of thinking.
        8. Where necessary, these measures shall be carried out in close collaboration with national laboratories and bodies.
        9. conducting close coordination with all relevant local and international partners, as set out in Article 10.
        10. The ICM preparations should be carried out in close cooperation with other key international actors (notably UNOSEK, UNMIK, US).
        11. The Commission shall carry out at its own initiative and in close cooperation with the Member States:
        12. Procedures for verifying the close out of the action plan should be agreed between the auditee and the audit team.
        13. Within 10 days of the receipt of an application from a person to close a person holding account, the registry administrator shall close the account in accordance with the account closure process set out in Annex VIII.
        14. It should also be pointed out that there is a very close relationship between a credit institution's equity capital and its banking activities.
        15. Animals, which are sick, injured or otherwise out of condition, should be kept under close observation and housed separately from other animals.